Catalog A-Z Index
- About Our University
- Academic Regulations
- Academic Regulations
- Accelerated Developmental Mathematics (AMAT)
- Accounting (ACC)
- Admissions
- Admissions
- American Sign Language (SGNL)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Anthropology Minor
- Appendix A: Core Curriculum and Optional Course Information
- Appendix B: Degrees
- Appendix C: Minors
- Appendix D: Texas Common Course Numbering System
- Applied Music (MUAP)
- Applied Physics Minor
- Arabic (ARAB)
- A. R. Sanchez, Jr., School of Business
- A. R. Sanchez, Jr., School of Business
- Art (ARTS)
- Art History Minor
- Astronomy (ASTR)
- Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS)
- Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences Criminal Justice Concentration (BAAS)
- Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences in Business with a Concentration in Business Administration
- Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences in Business with a Concentration in Management
- Bachelor of Applied Arts & Sciences in Business with a Concentration in Transportation & International Logistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies
- Bachelor of Arts with a Double Major (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Art (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Art with All Level Certification (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Biology (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Communication (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a major in Communication with a concentration in Digital & Strategic Communication (BA) *RELLIS CAMPUS
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Communication with Concentration in Media Production (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in English with Grades 7-12 Certification (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in History and Political Science (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in History and Political Science (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in History (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in History with Grades 7-12 Certification (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Mathematics (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Mathematics with Grades 7-12 Certification (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Political Science (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Psychology (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Sociology (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Spanish (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with a Major in Spanish with All Level Certification (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with Majors in Communication and Spanish (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with Majors in Communication and Spanish (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts with Majors in Criminal Justice and Political Science (BA)
- Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration in Banking & Financial Institutions
- Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration in Business Administration
- Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration in Finance
- Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration in International Economics
- Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration in Management
- Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration in Marketing
- Bachelor of Business Administration Concentration in Transportation & International Logistics
- Bachelor of Business Administration Major in Accounting
- Bachelor of Business Administration Major in Management Information Systems and Data Analytics
- Bachelor of Music Education (BM)
- Bachelor of Music in Performance (BM)
- Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders
- Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice (BSCJ)
- Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Teaching with a Bilingual Emphasis (BS)
- Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Teaching with an Early Learning Emphasis (BS)
- Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Teaching with a Special Education Emphasis (BS)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN/BSN)
- Bachelor of Science in Public Health
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Biology (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Chemistry (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Computer Engineering (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a major in Kinesiology with a Concentration in Exercise Science (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Kinesiology with a Concentration in Health & Fitness (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Kinesiology with a concentration in Physical Education with EC-12 Certification (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a major in Kinesiology with a Concentration in Pre-Physical/Occupational Therapy (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Mathematics (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Petroleum Engineering (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Science with Grades 7-12 Certification (BS)
- Bachelor of Science with a Major in Systems Engineering (BS)
- Bilingual Education/ESL (EDBE)
- Biology and Chemistry
- Biology and Chemistry
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology Minor
- Business Administration (BA)
- Business Administration Minor
- Catalog Archive
- Certificate in Banking and Financial Institutions
- Certificate in Business Leadership
- Certificate in Data Analytics
- Certificate in Entrepreneurship
- Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership & Management
- Certificate in Transportation, International Trade, and Logistics
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Chemistry Minor
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Arts & Sciences
- College of Education
- College of Education
- College of Nursing and Health Sciences
- Communication (COMM)
- Communication Disorders (CSDO)
- Communication Minor
- Comparative Literature (COMP)
- Computer Science & Engineering (CSCE)
- Computer Science Minor
- Co-requisite Developmental Mathematics (CMAT)
- Co-requisite Dev. Reading & Writing (CIRW)
- Counseling Education (EDCU)
- Course Descriptions
- Course Search
- /course-section-search/api/
- Creative Writing Minor
- Criminal Justice (CRIJ)
- Criminal Justice Minor
- Curriculum & Instruction (EDCI)
- Dance (DANC)
- Dance Minor
- Data Analytics Certificate
- Decision Science (DS)
- Developmental Mathematics (DMAT)
- Diverse Populations (EDDP)
- Doctor of Philosophy in International Business Administration (Ph.D. IB)
- Doctor of Philosophy with a major in Criminal Justice (Ph.D. CJ)
- Dr. F.M. Canseco School of Nursing
- Early Childhood Education (EDEC)
- Earth and Physical Science (EPSC)
- Economics (ECO)
- Economics Minor
- Educational Admin&Supervision (EDAM)
- Educational Diagnostics Professional Certificate
- Educational Leadership (EDLD)
- Educational Technology (EDIT)
- Education Fitness & Sports (EDFS)
- Elementary Education (EDEL)
- Engineering
- Engineering (ENGR)
- English (ENGL)
- English Minor
- English-Spanish Translation Certificate
- Entrepreneurship Minor
- Environmental Science (ENSC)
- Environmental Science Minor
- Explore Your Beyond
- General Graduate Education (EDGR)
- General Information
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Geography (GEOG)
- Geography Minor
- Geology (GEOL)
- Geology Minor
- German (GERM)
- Graduate Information
- Health (HLTH)
- Health, Medicine, and Society
- Hispanic Studies (HISP)
- History (HIST)
- History Minor
- Humanities
- Humanities
- Humanities (HUM)
- Integrated Reading & Writing (DIRW)
- International Leadership Certificate
- International Leadership Minor
- International Studies Certificate
- International Studies (INTL)
- Introduction
- Italian (ITAL)
- Lang, Lit & Tran Thesis (LLTH)
- Latin American Studies Certificate
- Latin American Studies (LAS)
- Leadership (LEDR)
- Management Information Systems and Data Analytics Minor
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
- Management (MGT)
- Management Minor
- Mandarin (MAND)
- Marketing Minor
- Marketing (MKT)
- Master of Arts in Communication (MA)
- Master of Arts in Communication Non-Thesis (MA)
- Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology (MA)
- Master of Arts in English (MA)
- Master of Arts in History and Political Thought - Double Concentration Non-Thesis (MA)
- Master of Arts in History and Political Thought - Double Concentration Non Thesis (MA)
- Master of Arts in History & Political Thought, History Concentration Non-Thesis (MA)
- Master of Arts in History & Political Thought, History Concentration Thesis (MA)
- Master of Arts in History & Political Thought, Political Science Concentration Non-Thesis (MA)
- Master of Arts in History & Political Thought, Political Science Concentration Thesis (MA)
- Master of Arts in Language, Literature and Translation (MA)
- Master of Arts in Sociology (MA)
- Master of Arts in Sociology Non-Thesis (MA)
- Master of Arts in Teaching (MA)
- Master of Business Administration (MBA)
- Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Criminal Justice (MBA)
- Master of Business Administration with a Concentration in Healthcare Administration (MBA)
- Master of Professional Accountancy (MPAcc)
- Master of Public Administration (MPA)
- Master of Science in Bilingual Education (MS)
- Master of Science in Biology (MS)
- Master of Science in Biology Non-Thesis (MS)
- Master of Science in Criminal Justice (MS)
- Master of Science in Criminal Justice Non-Thesis (MS)
- Master of Science in Curriculum Instruction (MS)
- Master of Science in Educational Administration (MS)
- Master of Science in Information Science Foundation
- Master of Science in Information Science (MS-IS)
- Master of Science in Mathematics, Applied Statistics Track Non-Thesis (MS)
- Master of Science in Mathematics, Mathematics Education Track Non-Thesis (MS)
- Master of Science in Mathematics (MS)
- Master of Science in Mathematics Non-Thesis (MS)
- Master of Science in Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner
- Master of Science in Nursing - Nursing Administration
- Master of Science in Nursing - Nursing Administration RN/MSN
- Master of Science in Psychology (MS)
- Master of Science in Psychology Non-Thesis (MS)
- Master of Science in School Counseling (MS)
- Master of Science in Special Education (MS)
- Mathematics and Physics
- Mathematics and Physics
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics Minor
- Military Science
- Military Science Minor
- Military Science (MS)
- Multicultural Education (EDME)
- Music Ensemble (MUEN)
- Music Minor
- Music (MUSI)
- Music Reading (MURD)
- /pdf/
- Petroleum Engineering Certificate
- Petroleum Engineering Minor
- Petroleum Engineering (PETE)
- Philosophy Minor
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Education, Teaching, and Coaching Minor
- Physics (PHYS)
- Political Science Minor
- Political Science (PSCI)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- PreLaw Minor
- Principal Professional Certificate
- Production Operations Mgt (POM)
- Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program
- Psychology and Communication
- Psychology and Communication
- Psychology Minor
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Public Administration (PADM)
- Public Health Minor
- Public Health (PHLT)
- Search Classes
- Search Courses
- Social Determinants of Health
- Social Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Social Studies (SOST)
- Sociology Minor
- Sociology (SOCI)
- Spanish Language Certificate
- Spanish Minor
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Special Education (EDSE)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Student Academic Support
- Student Enrollment
- Student Fees
- Student Financial Aid
- Student Life
- Student Services
- Studio Art Minor
- Superintendent Professional Certificate
- Systems Engineering (SENG)
- Texas A&M-RELLIS
- Theater Arts (THAR)
- Theatre and Film Studies Minor
- The Texas A&M University System
- Translation of English & Spanish Minor
- Translation (TRAN)
- Transportation & Logistics (TIL)