- ACC 3320 560: Intermediate Accounting II
- ASTR 1110 3L8: Principles of Astronomy Lab
- BA 3301 380: Professional Written Comm
- BA 3310 480: Legal Environment of Business
- BA 4390 480: Business Strategy
- BA 5203 780: Concepts in MGT and MKT
- BA 5310 5H2: Business Research Methods
- BA 5320 780: Global Environments of Bus
- BIOL 1170 3L1: Survey of Life Science Lab
- BIOL 1170 3L2: Survey of Life Science Lab
- BIOL 1370 301: Survey of Life Science
- BIOL 2101 3L2: Anatomy & Physiology I-Lab
- BIOL 2301 301: Anatomy & Physiology I
- BIOL 4472 401: Current Topics in Biology
- BIOL 5472 401: Special Topics in Biology
- CHEM 1170 3L2: Survey of Chemistry Lab
- CHEM 1370 301: Survey of Chemistry
- COMM 3330 301: Nonverbal Communication
- COMM 3337 480: Storytelling for Video Games
- COMM 3337 481: Storytelling for Video Games
- COMM 3337 482: Storytelling for Video Games
- COMM 4390 401: Spec Issues in Media Studies
- COMM 5329 480: Topics: Border & Latin America
- CRIJ 4340 M80: Special Issues in Criminal Jus
- CRIJ 6397 580: Research Portfolio II
- CRIJ 6398 590: Dissertation I
- CSCE 4352 380: Internship in Comp Sci & Engr
- CSCE 4395 590: Undergraduate Research
- EDCI 5317 680: Evaluation of Curr&Inst
- EDIT 5300 780: Prin of Ins Design & Learn The
- EDRD 3303 380: Teaching Reading&Lang Arts
- EDRD 4311 480: Classrm Diag&Rem of Rdg Diff
- ENGL 1301 302: English Composition I
- ENGL 1301 303: English Composition I
- ENGL 1302 480: English Composition II
- ENGL 4385 401: Literature and Gender
- GERM 1620 580: Beginning German I & II
- HIST 1301 380: The US to 1877
- HIST 1302 401: The US Since 1877
- HIST 4341 401: 19th-Century Europe
- KINE 3207 380: Hlth&Phys Ed for Elem Sch
- KINE 3312 480: Principles of Health Promo-WIN
- KINE 3314 301: Tests and Evaluation
- KINE 3316 380: Psych Aspects of Sport&Exercis
- KINE 3317 480: Nutrition for Exercise&Sports
- KINE 3318 380: Fundamentals of Biomechanics
- KINE 4318 480: Exercise Prescription
- KINE 4336 480: Psyc of Sport Injury&Rehab WIN
- MATH 1314 301: College Algebra
- MATH 1314 304: College Algebra
- MATH 1314 305: College Algebra
- MATH 1314 401: College Algebra
- MATH 1324 301: Business Math I
- MATH 1324 302: Business Math I
- MATH 1342 301: Introductory Statistics
- MATH 1342 401: Introductory Statistics
- MATH 1351 401: Fundamentals of Mathematics II
- MATH 2412 301: Pre-Calculus
- MATH 2413 301: Calculus I
- MATH 2414 401: Calculus II
- MATH 2415 301: Calculus III
- MATH 3330 401: Ordinary Diff Equations
- MATH 3365 360: Discrete Mathematics
- MATH 5398 390: Thesis I
- MGT 3310 380: Principles of Management
- MGT 5319 780: Entrepreneurship
- MIS 5201 680: Information Systems & Programm
- MIS 5340 680: Networks&Distributed Systems
- MIS 5350 780: Information System Analysis
- MIS 5390 780: Project Design & Management
- MKT 4399 401: Issues in Marketing
- MUSI 1310 480: American Popular Music
- NURN 3410 780: Health Assessment
- NURS 5414 580: Adv Practice Nursing Theory II
- NURS 5415 580: Adv Practice Nur Practicum II
- PETE 4352 380: Internship in PETE
- PHYS 1102 4L3: General Physics II Lab
- PHYS 1302 401: General Physics II
- PHYS 2126 4L2: University Physics II Lab
- PHYS 2325 301: University Physics I
- PHYS 2326 401: University Physics II
- POM 3310 380: Production & Operations Mgt
- PSCI 2306 301: American State Government
- PSCI 2306 303: American State Government
- PSCI 4335 380: International Politics
- PSCI 5308 360: American Political Behavior
- PSCI 5398 590: Thesis I
- PSYC 2117 3L1: Basic Stats for Psyc Lab
- PSYC 2301 301: Intro to Psychology
- PSYC 2317 301: Basic Stats for Psychology
- PSYC 3320 401: Evolutionary Psychology
- PSYC 4310 380: Psychology of Human Sexuality
- PSYC 4335 M80: Issues in Psychology
- SENG 3320 301: Engineering Modeling & Design
- SENG 4350 301: Facilities Design & Logistics
- SENG 4352 380: Internship in Systems Engr
- SENG 4395 390: Undergraduate Research
- TIL 5311 780: Import Operations & Practice
- TIL 5312 680: Export Operations & Practice
- WGST 3302 401: Topics in Gender Studies