Anthropology (ANTH)

ANTH 2302 Introduction to Archaeology

The study of the human and material remains of previous civilizations humans left behind on or below the surface of the earth. Different theories of the interpretations of archaeological evidence are presented. In addition to course work, a field trip will be included.


ANTH 2346 Introduction to Anthropology

This introductory course considers the emergence of humans, and traces the development of their physical characteristics and culture to the present. The course covers the four basic subfields of anthropology: cultural anthropology, linguistic anthropology, physical anthropology, and archaeology.


ANTH 3302 Indians of North America

Survey of the archeology, history, culture, social organization, ecology, and contemporary conditions of the indigenous people of North America, including the Indians of Mexico. Special emphasis is placed on the impact of contact, resistance, and the reservation experience of Indians in Texas.

ANTH 3303 Biological Anthropology

Anthropology is the holistic study of humans and our culture. Biological anthropology, a sub-discipline of anthropology, is the study of human biological and cultural evolution. This course introduces foundational concepts pertaining to human evolution, including evolutionary theory, genetics, geology paleontology, primatology, archaeology, and osteology. The course also covers the detailed history of the biocultural evolution of our species. This class also includes an extensive examination into the applied side of biological anthropology, particularly as it pertains to forensics and bioarcheology.

ANTH 3305 North American Archaeology

This course introduces students to the archaeology of North America by examining the different time periods and cultural areas. The latest archaeological interpretations and debates are provided to understand the peopling of the continent, the origins of North American agriculture, and the development of complex societies. The course also discusses significant archaeological interpretations of historical sites.

ANTH 4301 Special Topics in Anthropology

Selected topics in an identified area. May be repeated if topic changes.

ANTH 4302 Myth, Magic and Religion

Why have humans populated their universe with unseen beings, imagined places, and supernatural powers? Why have they created elaborate rituals and mythic stories that must be believed in if human life is to prosper? Humans have been trying to find order and meaning in the universe for thousands of years, and their attempts to do so—belief in the supernatural, stories to explain the unknown, and all the types of the behaviors these manifest—are as diverse and creative as anything that can find in popular books and movies.

ANTH 4303 Archaeology Reality&Fantasies

This course explores the myths, mysteries, frauds, and fantasies surrounding archaeology. Topics include lost continents, aliens’ role in prehistory, controversies over the peopling of the Americas, myths of the Moundbuilders, psychic archaeological methods, archaeology of religion, diverse claims about the past, different uses of archeological evidence, and the persistence of popular misconceptions about the human past. Throughout the class, we will focus on critical thinking through an examination of science and pseudoscience. Specific case studies are used to explore the differences between science and pseudoscience and to generate thoughtful discussion concerning the scientific method, logical thinking, rationality, and belief.

ANTH 4304 Food and Culture

In this course, students gain a biocultural perspective on foodways throughout cultures around the world. Students will explore ethnographic accounts of various foodways around the world throughout the semester. This class will cover personal food taboos, the prehistoric and historic use of chocolate, nutritional challenges in poverty-stricken communities, and the social power behind the ways in which particular foods look and are served. In addition to learning about the synthesis of food and culture, students will also learn how to write an academic research paper.

ANTH 4351 Cultural Anthropology

Major aspects of culture (social organization, economics, religion, etc); cultural patterns and sociocultural change; prehistory of humans and the development of variant cultures.