Bachelor of Science with a Major in Systems Engineering (BS)

Hours Required

A minimum of 131 semester credit hours (SCH): 48 hours must be advanced, and fulfillment of degree requirements as specified in the "Requirements for Graduation" section of this catalog.


[University Core Curriculum]
Select 42 SCH as outlined in the suggested plans and as specified in the "Requirements for Graduation." MATH 2413 must be taken as part of the core.42
CSCE 1136Funds of Programming Lab1
CSCE 1336Fundamentals of Programming3
CSCE 1137Object-Oriented Program Lab1
CSCE 1337Object Oriented Programming3
CSCE 2330Digital Logic Design3
ENGR 1201Foundations of Engineering I2
ENGR 1304Computer-Aided Design3
ENGR 2103Statics & Dynamics Lab1
ENGR 2303Statics & Dynamics3
ENGR 2105Principles of Elec Engr Lab1
ENGR 2305Principles of Elec Engineering3
ENGR 2360Thermodynamics & Fluid Mech3
ENGR 2372Engineering Statistics3
ENGR 3300Engineering Economics3
Systems Engineering
SENG 3320Engineering Modeling & Design3
SENG 3330Operations Research I3
SENG 3340Robotics and Automation3
SENG 3345Microprocessor Systems3
SENG 3370Computer Int Manufacturing3
SENG 3380Measurements and Devices3
SENG 4301Senior Design I3
SENG 4315Embedded Systems3
SENG 4350Facilities Design & Logistics3
SENG 4360Systems Simulation3
SENG 4390Senior Design II3
Math and Sciences
PHYS 2126University Physics II Lab1
MATH 2414Calculus II4
MATH 2415Calculus III4
MATH 3310Introduction to Linear Algebra3
MATH 3330Ordinary Diff Equations3
GEOL 4450Geo Info Science for Engr4
Select 1 SCH surplus from core1
Systems Engineering Electives
Select 3 SCH from the following:3
Intro to Control Systems
Operations Research II
Intelligent Systems
Intro to Virtual Manufacturing
Internship in Systems Engr
Internship in Systems Engr
Internship in Systems Engr
Special Topics in Systems Engr
Special Topics in Systems Engr
Special Topics in Systems Engr
Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Research
Undergraduate Research
Directed Study in SENG
Directed Study in SENG
Directed Study in SENG
Total Semester Credit Hours131

Following is a suggested four-year degree plan. Students are encouraged to see their advisor each semester for help with program decisions and enrollment; responsible for reviewing the Program of Study Requirements, meeting all course prerequisites, and writing intensive course (WIN) requirements for graduation. See Academic Regulations-Undergraduate online.

Plan of Study Grid
FallSemester Credit Hours
CSCE 1136 Funds of Programming Lab 1
CSCE 1336 Fundamentals of Programming 3
ENGL 1301 English Composition I 3
ENGR 1201 Foundations of Engineering I 2
HIST 1301 The US to 1877 3
MATH 2413 Calculus I 4
UNIV 1201 Learn a Global Context I 2
 Semester Credit Hours18
ENGL 2311 Technical Communication-WIN 3
ENGR 1304 Computer-Aided Design 3
MATH 2414 Calculus II 4
PHYS 2125 University Physics I Lab 1
PHYS 2325 University Physics I 3
UNIV 1302 Signature Course 3
 Semester Credit Hours17
CSCE 1137 Object-Oriented Program Lab 1
CSCE 1337 Object Oriented Programming 3
ENGR 2103 Statics & Dynamics Lab 1
ENGR 2303 Statics & Dynamics 3
ENGR 3300 Engineering Economics 3
HIST 1302 The US Since 1877 3
MATH 2415 Calculus III 4
 Semester Credit Hours18
CSCE 2330 Digital Logic Design 3
ENGR 2105 Principles of Elec Engr Lab 1
ENGR 2305 Principles of Elec Engineering 3
ENGR 2372 Engineering Statistics 3
MATH 3310 Introduction to Linear Algebra 3
PSCI 2305 American National Government 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
MATH 3330 Ordinary Diff Equations 3
PHYS 2126 University Physics II Lab 1
PHYS 2326 University Physics II 3
PSCI 2306 American State Government 3
SENG 3320 Engineering Modeling & Design 3
SENG 3380 Measurements and Devices 3
 Semester Credit Hours16
ENGR 2360 Thermodynamics & Fluid Mech 3
SENG 3330 Operations Research I 3
SENG 3340 Robotics and Automation 3
SENG 3345 Microprocessor Systems 3
SENG 3370 Computer Int Manufacturing 3
Language, Philosophy, and Culture 3
 Semester Credit Hours18
SENG 4301 Senior Design I 3
SENG 4315 Embedded Systems 3
SENG 4360 Systems Simulation 3
SENG Advanced Elective* 3
Creative Arts 3
 Semester Credit Hours15
GEOL 4450 Geo Info Science for Engr 4
SENG 4350 Facilities Design & Logistics 3
SENG 4390 Senior Design II 3
Social & Behavioral Sciences 3
 Semester Credit Hours13
 Total Semester Credit Hours131

*Advanced Systems Engineering elective: select 3 semester credit hours from SENG 3310, SENG 4330, SENG 4340, SENG 4370, SENG 4152-4352, SENG 4185-4385,  SENG 4195-4395, or SENG 4199-4399.

Actual degree plans may vary depending on availability of courses in a given semester.

Some courses may require prerequisites not listed.