Comparative Literature (COMP)
COMP 5301 Theory & Meth of Comp Lit Stud
The course provides the theoretical and methodological tools for the comparative study of literary texts. It covers the major schools of theory and criticism with special attention to methods and problems in the study of comparative literature.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
COMP 5311 Contrastive Ling: Engl-Span
The course provides the theoretical and methodological tools for the contrastive study of the English and Spanish languages from a synchronic and diachronic perspective.
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing.
COMP 5312 Comp Hist Span & Engl Language
The course provides an in-depth study of the origins and evolution of Spanish and English languages from a comparative perspective, with special attention to the socio-historical factors affecting the linguistic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing
COMP 5318 Postcolonial Studies
This course is an introduction to postcolonial literature and theory. Emphasis is on readings produced in the historical, political, and cultural contexts of European colonialism in Africa, India, and the Caribbean. Secondary readings include a range of theoretical writings about post-colonialism as a condition, an interpretive approach, and a field of study. Topics may include nationalism and imperialism; issues of race and gender; migration and diaspora; exile, assimilation, and hybridity; globalization and neocolonialism; strategies of anti-colonial resistance; intersections between post-colonialism and post-modernism; and the politics of language. The course will also interrogate the usefulness of understanding literature in transnational or global terms and consider “postcolonial studies” itself as contested terrain. May be repeated when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing
COMP 5322 Seminar in Colonial Amer. Lit.
This seminar focuses from a comparative perspective on the works written by the most representative authors in North America and Latin America from the foundation of the colonies to their independence. The course will cover a wide variety of literary expressions and may be repeated for credit when content changes. May be repeated when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing
COMP 5340 Comp. Lit. English-Spanish
An in-depth study of an area, period, theme or movement in English and Spanish literature from a comparative perspective. Readings are in English and in Spanish.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing