International Studies Certificate

This Certification is intended for undergraduate students in various disciplines across TAMIU who are interested in pursuing careers in the Foreign Service, international institutions, non-governmental international organizations, and multinational corporations as well as those who recognize the importance of understanding international issues to virtually any career field. The undergraduate Certificate in International Studies allows students to enhance their degree program with a concentration in international studies. Completion of the requirements is certified by the Office of Global Initiatives/Binational Center (OGI/BINC) and the Office of the Registrar.

Internationalization is a process, which focuses on the social, legal, economic, political, and technological aspects of countries other than the United States. It often involves working with people from several disciplines to define a common goal. No single discipline can provide a thorough understanding of the globalization process. Rather, students must be exposed to several disciplines to obtain the holistic perspective required to analyze its complexity.

The Certificate in International Studies integrates a wide variety of junior and senior level courses and encourages a multidisciplinary approach. The student declares a major in an established academic department and then focuses in international studies as laid out in this certification. The Certification in International Studies meets the needs of the students and proves useful in terms of both career opportunities and contribution to international issues.


The student must:
      · Have completed 60 or more semester credit hours of coursework
      · Be accepted in an established academic program at TAMIU
      · Submit an Application for the Certificate in International Studies program to the OGI/BINC located at LBV 301 or by email at


The student must:

  • Successfully complete a minimum of four (4) courses herein listed as Approved Courses
  • Attain at least a 2.75 GPA in the selected courses with no less than a C in any course
  • Participate in at least one event scheduled by the OGI/BINC or one international speaker series event and write and submit a 500-word reflection paper about your learning experience as relates to international studies, and complete and submit an Event Survey provided by OGI/BINC.  For more information on event to be attended, please contact us by email at, by phone at 956-326-2834 or visit us at LBV 301.
  • Complete and submit an Exit International Studies Survey at the end of your coursework.  Call us at 956-326-2834 or email us at to schedule an appointment for survey, at least a month before graduation.

Each 3-credit course has been selected based on its global context and relevancy for fostering cross-national understanding. It is not an exclusive list. Other courses such as an international capstone seminar or those taken under a study abroad experience may be accepted as alternatives to the ones listed below, subject to the approval of the OGI/BINC Advisor.

College of Arts and Sciences
ANTH 4302Myth, Magic and Religion3
ANTH 4351Cultural Anthropology3
ARTS 3310Studies Art Hist & Criticism3
COMM 4320Trends in International Comm3
COMM 4324Comparative Journalism3
ENGL 3326British Lit from 1900 to WWII3
ENGL 4334American Literary Renaissance3
GEOG 3351World History&Geography3
GEOG 3352Latin American Historical Geog3
GEOG 3353Political Geography3
GEOG 4395Urban Historical Geography3
HIST 3330Colonial Latin America3
HIST 3352World Historical Biography3
HIST 3380Intellectual History of the US3
HIST 3392Contemporary Islamic World3
HIST 3394History of Africa Since 18803
HIST 4342Modern Europe: 1914-19903
HIST 4391Seminar in World History3
MATH 4385History of Mathematics3
PORT 3324Luso-Brazilian Lit&Culture3
PSCI 3305Govt & Politics of Europe3
PSCI 3308Latin American Pol Systems3
PSCI 3310Comp Pol Ideologies & Systems3
PSCI 3340International Law & Org3
PSCI 3353Political Geography3
PSCI 4309Mexican Politics & Government3
PSCI 4335International Politics3
PSCI 4340American Foreign Policy3
SOCI 3308Latin American Cultures3
SOCI 4318Globalization3
SPAN 4317Hispanic Folklore3
SPAN 4371Hispanic Culture3
SPAN 4397International Service Learning3
Study Abroad
A. R. Sanchez, Jr. School of Business
BA 3320International Business3
BA 4390Business Strategy3
ECO 3325Latin American Economics Iss3
ECO 4340International Economics3
FIN 4380International Finance3
MKT 4310International Marketing3
Study Abroad
College of Education
EDBE 3325Theories of 2nd Lang Learning3
EDBE 4334Teach Cont Areas Dual Lang Env3
EDDP 4324Teaching Across Student Pops3
Study Abroad
College of Nursing and Health Sciences
NURS 3311Cult Determ of Hlth Behave-WIN3
NURS 3312Global Nursing Health-WIN3
Study Abroad

Students interested in pursuing the Certificate in International Studies should register with the OGI/BINC and meet with its advisor if necessary. Students must complete and submit the appropriate form to the OGI/BINC at Lamar Bruni Vergara Science Center 301 or as soon as possible, but no less than one semester before completion of their degree.  Certificates will be processed at the end of the students’ final semester of coursework and the OGI/BINC and the Office of the Registrar will provide the documentation certifying the completion of the certification after graduation.