Master of Arts in Language, Literature and Translation (MA)

Admissions Requirements
For admission to the Master of Arts Language, Literature, and Translation, applicants must:
•Have an undergraduate GPA of 3.20 or higher. Exceptions will be considered upon request.
•Submit one personal statement in English and one in Spanish (approximately 500 words each) describing the reasons the student wants to enroll in the program and explaining his/her academic profile and trajectory.

Major Curriculum - Language, Literature and Translation
Required Courses6
Theory & Meth of Comp Lit Stud
Theory & Hist. of Translation
Select six courses from the following:18
Contrastive Ling: Engl-Span
Comp Hist Span & Engl Language
Postcolonial Studies
Seminar in Colonial Amer. Lit.
Comp. Lit. English-Spanish
Teaching in Rhetoric & Comp
Studies in Language
Studies in Brit Lit, 20th-Pres
Studies in 19th Century Am Lit
Studies in 20th Century Am Lit
Issues in Comparative Lit
Problems in Teaching Spanish
Studies in Spanish Language
Seminar in Hispanic Amer. Lit
Seminar in Spanish Literature
Seminar in Span Lit and Lang
Maj Writ in Span&Their Milieu
Adv. Trans. Spanish-English
Adv. Trans. English-Spanish
Literary Translation
Special Topics Trans Studies
LLTH 5398Thesis I: Proposal & Research3
LLTH 5399Thesis II: Comp & Defense3
Total Semester Credit Hours30