Women&Gender Studies (WGST)
WGST 2301 Intro Women's & Gender Studies
A multidisciplinary introduction to the study of the gender images of masculinity and femininity. Topics will be framed in a historical perspective and may include how gender affects family dynamics, school and organizational settings, gender roles, sexual identity, verbal communication, the media, and power and violence.
WGST 3301 Topics in Women's Studies
An in-depth study of an issue of significance in the field of Women's Studies. This course may deal with issues including history, literature, art, social or behavioral sciences, communication, business, or education. May be repeated once when the topic changes.
WGST 3302 Topics in Gender Studies
An in-depth study of an issue of significance in the field of Gender Studies. This course may deal with issues including history, literature, art, social or behavioral science, communication, business, or education. May be repeated once when the topic changes.
WGST 4301 Special Issues in WGST
An advanced, in-depth study of a special topic in the field of Women's and Gender Studies. This course may involve material from one or more disciplines including but not limited to history, literature, art, social or behavioral science, communication, business, or education. Students in the course are expected to complete advanced projects including but not limited to seminar papers, experiments, major surveys, etc. May be repeated once when the topic changes.
WGST 4325 Sociology of Gender Roles
An analysis of the role of biology, cultural socialization, and social institutions in the formulation and maintenance of constructs of masculine and feminine gender in world societies. The study of the social impact of changes in women's and men's roles in postindustrial societies upon the family, the workplace and other major social institutions. The examination of the impact of gender constructs upon familial relationships, spirituality and policy orientations. An evaluation of the positive and negative impact of the women's movement and men's movement upon the status of women and men of different race/ethnicity and social class. May be taken for graduate credit. (Cross-listed with SOCI 4325).
Prerequisites: Junior standing.