Theater Arts (THAR)

THAR 1310 Theatre Appreciation

Survey of all phases of theatre including its history, critical analysis, dramatic works, stage techniques, production procedures, and relation to the fine arts. Participation in major University productions may be required.


THAR 2111 Theatre Practicum

Participation in semester theatrical production required. Participation may include acting, directing or backstage work. Rehearsal or work outside of class may be required. May be repeated twice for additional credit.


THAR 2354 Acting Fundamentals & Practice

A beginning approach to the fundamental of acting, which may include sensory exercises, relaxation, concentration , imagination, improvisation, character analysis and scene work. Rehearsals or work outside of class may be required.


THAR 2355 Script Analysis-WIN

Examination of foundational skills for understanding the structure and content of play scripts for interpretation and conceptualization in theatre productions by directors, designers, actors, and technicians. Introduces students to significant plays in the history of dramatic literature in the playwright’s social and cultural context.

Prerequisites: TSI Ready in Reading and Writing or equivalent.

THAR 2366 Film Appreciation-WIN

Emphasis on the analysis of the visual and aural aspects of selected motion pictures, dramatic aspects of narrative films, and historical growth and sociological effect of film as an art. Interchangeable with COMM 2366.


THAR 2389 Theatre Cooperative Production

An instructional program designed to integrate on-campus study with practical hands-on work experience. In conjunction with class seminars, the individual student will set specific goals and objectives in the study of theatre production.

THAR 3100 Theatre and Children

An introduction to the principles of theatre performance related to the expressive and developmental needs of children from pre-kindergarten through the sixth grade.

THAR 3320 Survey of Theatre History-WIN

An introductory study of the theatre and its place in the social and cultural evolution from primitive civilization to the present. Selected examples of theatre literature are studied.

Prerequisites: Junior standing or consent of instructor.

THAR 3354 Acting Theory and Practice

An advance acting course in which the student explores and develops techniques of creating a role through analysis, rehearsal, and performance. Note: Outside rehearsal time may be needed throughout the semester. May be repeated twice for additional credit.

THAR 4111 Advanced Theatre Practicum

Participation in semester theatrical production required. Participation may include acting, directing or backstage work. May be repeated twice for additional credit.

Prerequisites: Junior Level Standing

THAR 4313 Special Topics in Theatre Arts

In-depth study of a specific area of theatre arts. Topics will include playwright's major plays, actor's film retrospective, film series analysis, and technical theatre & stage management. May be repeated twice for credit.

THAR 4364 Writing for Stage & Screen-WIN

A course devoted to the study and writing of stage (both traditional and audio drama) plays and/or marketable screenplays emphasizing appropriate techniques of each dramatic form and an expanded understanding of contemporary practitioners.

Prerequisites: Senior standing or consent of the instructor.