Spanish (SPAN)
SPAN 1311 Intro Spanish for Non-Native I
An oral and written introduction to Spanish for students with no previous knowledge of the language. The course emphasizes the need to acquire an ear for the sound of Spanish and an introduction to the language's grammatical structures. This is the first part of a two part introduction to Spanish. SPAN 1311 will not fulfill the COAS Foreign Language/Study Abroad requirements if a student has already received 6 SCH of introductory Spanish by having taken either the CLEP exam or AP high school courses.
Prerequisites: Departmental placement exam.
SPAN 1312 Intro Span for Non-Native II
An oral and written introduction to Spanish for students with no previous knowledge of the language. The course emphasizes the need to acquire an ear for the sound of Spanish and an introduction to the language's grammatical structures. SPAN 1312 will not fulfill the COAS Foreign Language/Study Abroad requirements if a student has already received 6 SCH of introductory Spanish by having taken either the CLEP exam or AP high school courses.
Prerequisites: SPAN 1311 or equivalent course, or departmental placement exam.
SPAN 1620 Intro Span Non-Ntve Spkrs I&II
An intensive beginning Spanish course for non-native speakers. An oral and written introduction to Spanish for students with no previous knowledge of the language. The course emphasizes the need to acquire an ear for the sound of Spanish and an introduction to the language's grammatical structures. This course offers students a one-semester course equivalent to SPAN 1311 and SPAN 1312. SPAN 1620 will not fulfill the COAS Foreign Language/Study Abroad requirements if a student has already received 6 SCH of introductory Spanish by having taken either the CLEP exam or AP high school courses.
SPAN 2307 Intro to Creative Writing
Conducted in Spanish. This introductory course is designed to give students the opportunity to explore their abilities and interests in a variety of genres. The course will emphasize the aesthetic demands of different genres through formal study of required readings and especially through first-hand experience of writing exercises. Students will write in at least two of the following genres: poetry, fiction, drama, screenwriting, and non-fiction.
Prerequisites: Any 2000 level SPAN course, or Spanish proficiency (with consent of the instructor).
SPAN 2311 Inter Span for Non-Native I
Conducted in Spanish. For students who have finished the beginning sequence of SPAN 1311/1312, or who, as a result of testing, demonstrate their readiness for this course. Emphasis includes both the oral and written language. Local Spanish language resources and media are used to help students exploit the linguistic resources of this Hispanic community and develop proficiency in their total use of Spanish. SPAN 2311 will not fulfill the COAS Foreign Language/Study Abroad requirements if a student has already received Spanish credit by having taken the AP exam.
Prerequisites: SPAN 1312, or SPAN 1620, or equivalent course, or departmental placement exam.
SPAN 2312 Inter Span for Non-Native II
Conducted in Spanish. This course is the last course in a four-course sequence for non-native speakers of Spanish. As students complete their study of the oral and written conventions of Spanish, they are encouraged and prepared to make extensive use of the Hispanic environment which surrounds our University. SPAN 2312 will not fulfill the COAS Foreign Language/Study Abroad requirements if a student has already received Spanish credit by having taken the AP exam.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2311 or equivalent course, or departmental placement exam.
SPAN 2313 Span Heritage Lang Speak I
Conducted in Spanish. A course for students from an English-Spanish dual language environment who have been exposed to spoken Spanish, but have little or no formal study of the language. A systematic presentation of oral and written conventions in Spanish will be presented along with identification of regional varieties of usage. This is the first part of a two-part introduction to Spanish for Spanish speakers.
Prerequisites: Departmental Placement exam.
SPAN 2315 Span Heritage Lang Speak II
Conducted in Spanish. This is the second half of a course designed for students from a Hispanic environment who have been exposed to spoken Spanish, but have little or no formal study of the language. A systematic presentation of oral and written conventions in Spanish will be presented along with identification of regional varieties of usage, providing opportunities for expanding proficiency in Spanish for personal and professional use.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2313 or departmental placement exam.
SPAN 2350 Intro to the Hispanic World
This is an introductory course for students interested in understanding Hispanic culture from general concepts of culture to different art expressions. How does a major geographical area come to be defined as Hispanic? What diverse elements merge together to form an identity? The course will focus on four fundamental elements: FAMILY (organization of the household, gender roles and personal interrelations); ETHNIC DIVERSITY (contributions to culture according to ethnicity); BELIEF SYSTEMS (religions, supernatural and superstitions –including holidays and practices); and ENTERTAINTMENT (sports, telenovelas, secular celebrations). Literature, radio, film, music, painting and other art expressions will be used during classes. This class is taught in Spanish.
SPAN 2351 Intro to Iberian Culture&Civ
This is an introductory course for students interested in understanding Spanish culture from pre-Roman times onwards. It promotes awareness of the cultural, linguistic, and geographic diversity of the Iberian Peninsula with an emphasis on Spain. It analyzes the main periods in Spanish cultural history, with attention to Spain’s multicultural origins. Topics may include literature as a reflection of social reality nationalism and identity, contemporary artistic and cinematographic expressions, entertainment, sports, and gastronomy. This class is taught in Spanish.
SPAN 2620 Inter Span Non-Ntve Spkrs I&II
An intensive intermediate Spanish course for students who have completed the beginning Spanish sequence (SPAN 1311 and SPAN 1312) or who, as a result of testing, demonstrate their readiness for this course. Emphasis includes both the oral and written language. As students complete their study of the oral and written conventions in Spanish, they are encouraged and prepared to make extensive use of the Hispanic environment that surrounds our university. This course offers students a one-semester course equivalent to SPAN 2311 and SPAN 2312. SPAN 2620 will not fulfill the COAS Foreign Language/Study Abroad requirements if a student has already received Spanish credit by having taken the AP exam.
SPAN 2630 Span for Heritage Lang I & II
Conducted in Spanish. A course for students from an English-Spanish dual language environment who have been exposed to spoken Spanish, but have little or no formal study of the language. A systematic presentation of oral and written conventions in Spanish will be presented along with identification of regional varieties of usage. This course offers the student a one-semester course equivalent to SPAN 2313 and 2315, Spanish for Spanish speakers.
Prerequisites: Departmental placement exam.
SPAN 3303 Spanish Language for Bil Teach
Conducted in Spanish. This course is for Bilingual Teachers to develop communicative competence and academic language proficiency in Spanish. A systematic presentation of oral and written conventions in Spanish will be provided along with opportunities for expanding vocabulary, enhancing reading comprehension, and achieving grammatical correctness in Spanish for personal, professional, and academic use.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2313 & 2315 or 2630 or by placement test Spanish Skills Assessment (SSA).
SPAN 3305 Spanish Academic Writing
Conducted in Spanish. Required of all Spanish majors, minors, and students of bilingual education or dual language programs. This course will pay special attention to the various uses of writing to communicate effectively in specific rhetorical situations. Grammatical and mechanical correctness and vocabulary development will be studied within the context of producing clear and effective writing. May be taken concurrently with SPAN 3310.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2312, or SPAN 2315, or SPAN 2620, or SPAN 2630, or by placement test, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3310 Intro to Literature in Spanish
Conducted in Spanish. Required of all Spanish majors and minors, and students of bilingual education or dual language programs. This course will provide students with a general knowledge of the literature of the Spanish-speaking world, while assisting the development of critical and analytical skills. The genres of poetry, prose and drama will be represented. May be taken concurrently with SPAN 3305.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2312, or SPAN 2315, or SPAN 2620, or SPAN 2630, or by placement test, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3317 Spanish Linguistics
Conducted in Spanish. This course is designed to give students insight into how the Spanish language functions as a system and why it works that way. The focus of the course will be on practical application of linguistic principles to improve the student's ability to use and perceive Spanish as an integrated linguistic system. It will present an overall view of Spanish phonology, morphology, and syntax as organized systems, pointing out to students relative correspondences and differences.
Prerequisites: SPAN 2312, or SPAN 2315, or SPAN 2350, or SPAN 2351, or SPAN 2620, or SPAN 2630, or by placement test, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3321 Stud in Span Lit Before 1700
Conducted in Spanish. A chronological survey from the Jarchas and Poema de Mio Cid to the works of Calderon de la Barca.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3322 Studies in Span Lit After 1700
Conducted in Spanish. A chronological survey beginning with the Enlightenment and including the romantics, nineteenth-century poetry and drama, the emergence of the Generation of 1898, and literary forms of the twentieth-century.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3323 Stud in Span Am Lit: Conq-Mod
Conducted in Spanish. A chronological survey beginning with Columbus's letters, chronicles of the Spanish conquistadors, Cortes' letters, poetry and prose through Modernism.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3326 Stud Span Am Lit: 19th & 20th
Conducted in Spanish. A chronological survey including Modernism and poetry, fiction and prose writings of the twentieth century, with emphasis in the development of the modern prose in Spanish America.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3350 Intro to Span>Engl Translation
Introduction to theory and practice for written and sight translation from Spanish to English in a variety of text categories. Provides students with the tools to identify, analyze, and resolve translation problems of short texts, while developing practical translation skills. Proficiency in English and Spanish is required. This course is interchangeable with TRAN 3350.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 and any SPAN 2000-level course, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3351 Intro to Engl>Span Translation
Introduction to theory and practice for written and sight translation from English to Spanish in a variety of text categories. Provides students with the tools to identify, analyze, and resolve basic translation problems of short texts, while developing practical translation skills. Proficiency in English and Spanish is required. This course is interchangeable with TRAN 3351.
Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 and any SPAN 2000-level course, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 3390 Span Lang&Cult for Professions
Designed for students who are interested in studying Spanish in the context of activities related to the professional world. This course will focus on domestic and international issues related to business and commerce, education, law enforcement, medicine, and social services and includes topics related to cultural considerations, generalized and specific professional concerns, correspondence, and translation. Conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisites: Any 2000-level SPAN course, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4300 Contemp Span Am Soc in Lit
This course examines the relationship between art and the political, historical, and social realities of the Spanish American society through fiction written by some of its most distinguished writers such as Garcia Marquez, Allende, Vargas Llosa, Borges, Castellanos, Octavio Paz, Carlos Fuentes, etc.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4301 18th & 19th Cent Spanish Lit
Conducted in Spanish. Studies literary production from 1700-1898 covering poetry, drama, and prose. This course may focus on genre, literary movement, specific authors or literary generations. Course may be repeated twice for credit if topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4302 20th Century Spanish Prose
Conducted in Spanish. Studies prose production from 1898 to the present covering essay, novel, and short story. This course may focus on specific literary movements, authors, or literary generations. Course may be repeated for twice for credit when topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 or SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4303 The Spanish American Novel
Conducted in Spanish. A study of Spanish America's most widely acclaimed genre. Students will examine representative works of the older generation of novelists, including Sarmiento and Gairaldes, Gallegos and Rivera, as well as more modern writers such as Carpentier, Cortzar, Asturias, Vargas Llosa, Fuentes, Rulfo, and Garcia Marquez. The novels' historical, social, cultural and intellectual ambience will form an integral part of the course.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4304 The Generation of 1898
Conducted in Spanish. The Generation and its influence upon the growth and development of Spanish thought.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4305 Mod Span Lit: Drama & Poetry
Conducted in Spanish. The study of two major genres of modern Spanish literature, works of interest to a student planning graduate work in literature and to one interested in the intellectual and artistic life of modern Spain. The topic will be determined each time the course offered, mindful of the needs of both students and faculty. Topics include: Drama: Benavente, García Lorca, Calvo Sotelo, Buero Vallejo, Sastre, Valle-Inclán. Poetry: Machado, Juan Ramón Jiménez, and García Lorca and his generation. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4306 Colonial Spanish American Lit
Conducted in Spanish. Study of the Spanish American literature written from the colonial period to the years of the independence declared by the colonies. The course considers literature as well as the social and historical contexts.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4307 Span Am Lit: Poetry&ShortStory
Conducted in Spanish. The study of two major genres of Spanish American literature, works of interest both to students of modern Spanish American culture and to those planning graduate work in Spanish. The topic will be determined each time the course is offered, mindful of needs of both students and faculty. Works studied will include: Poetry: Darío, Neruda, Vallejo, Borges Short story: Cortázar, Rulfo, García Márquez, Borges. May be repeated once when topic changes. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4308 Cervantes & Don Quijote
Conducted in Spanish. An introduction to and careful reading of Cervantes' classic, a work which represents the origin of the modern novel and remains the fundamental book of Hispanic culture. The course will focus upon the text of Don Quijote, studied in the social, cultural and intellectual context of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4309 Mexican Literature
Conducted in Spanish. This course will focus on a specific time period, literary movement, genre, or major author in Mexican literature. Topics will vary. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 or SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4311 Probs in Teaching of Span
Conducted in Spanish. Study of the linguistic principles, methodological theories, and classroom techniques conducive to effective and efficient teaching of Spanish as a native or second language. Recommended for prospective teachers.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4312 History of Spanish Language
Conducted in Spanish. This course is an introduction to the history and development of the Spanish language from its origins to the present day. Topics may include: Spanish in relation to Latin and other Romance languages; basic principles of language change; analysis of the stages of the evolution of Spanish since the Ancient Latin period taking into account influences of other cultures and languages; and analysis of American Spanish and Peninsular Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4314 Spanish Literature Before 1500
Conducted in Spanish. Will feature selected studies of the complete versions of major Spanish medieval texts including El Cid, El Conde Lucanor, El libro de Buen Amor and the Celestina.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4315 Spanish Lit of the Golden Age
Conducted in Spanish. Will feature selected authorial, generic or thematic studies of the complete versions of major Spanish Golden Age texts, featuring the picaresque and exemplary novels, the Romancero, Baroque poetry, and the drama of Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina and Cálderon de la Barca.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4316 Studies in Language
A special topics seminar in some aspect of the study of language. The course may focus on a special problem in linguistics, heritage languages, second language acquisition, history of the language, literacy, the teaching of the language or language policy and implementation. May be repeated for credit twice when topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3303, or SPAN 3305, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4317 Hispanic Folklore
Conducted in Spanish. A survey of Hispanic folklore. Examination of the principal genres of folklore as found in Spain, Spanish America and the Hispanic Southwest.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4320 Span Am Lit: 20th Century
An introduction to the major literary expressions of Spanish America during the XX Century, in which selected works of novel, short story, poetry and drama will be studied. Students will read and examine representative works of authors such as Rivera, Bombal, Vargas Llosa, García Márquez, Borges, Cortázar, Bosch, Neruda, Guillén, Burgos, Dragún, Buenaventura. Conducted in Spanish.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4330 Special Topics Span Lit & Cult
Conducted in Spanish. This course may focus on selected author, historical periods, literary movements, genres, themes or cultural issues in the Spanish literature. Course may also cover any aspect of Spanish culture or Transatlantic approaches to Hispanic cultural production other than literature including but not limited to film, folklore, music, popular culture, visual culture, etc. in any time period. May be repeated for credit once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of the instructor.
SPAN 4335 Special Top in Hisp Lit & Cult
Conducted in Spanish. This course may focus on selected author, historical periods, literary movements, genres, themes or cultural issues in the Transatlantic approaches to Hispanic culture and literature. Course covers productions from literature to film, journalism, music, popular culture, visual culture, etc. in any time period. May be repeated for credit once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310 or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4340 Special Topics in Span Am Lit
Conducted in Spanish. This course may focus on selected author, historical periods, literary movements, genres, themes or cultural issues in Spanish American literature. Course may also cover any aspect of Spanish American Culture or Transatlantic approaches to Hispanic cultural production other than literature including but not limited to film, folklore, music, popular culture, visual culture, etc. in any time period. May be repeated once for credit when topic changes.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310, or consent of the instructor.
SPAN 4360 Intermediate Span>Engl Trans
A continuation of the theory and practice of translation from Spanish to English, including consideration of cultural and morpho-syntactical problems. Students learn to apply translation techniques and strategies to resolve language-specific translation problems, while practicing the translation of longer texts in a variety of categories that may include the areas of literature, healthcare, and the law. Proficiency in English and Spanish is required. This course is interchangeable with TRAN 4360.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3350, or TRAN 3350, or SPAN 3351, or TRAN 3351.
SPAN 4361 Intermediate Engl>Span Trans
A continuation of the theory and practice of translation from English to Spanish, including consideration of cultural and morpho-syntactical problems. Students learn to apply translation techniques and strategies to resolve language-specific translation problems, while practicing the translation of longer texts in a variety of categories that may include literature, healthcare, and the law. Proficiency in English and Spanish is required. This course is interchangeable with TRAN 4361.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3350, or TRAN 3350, or SPAN 3351, or TRAN 3351.
SPAN 4371 Hispanic Culture
This course provides contemporary perspectives on Hispanic cultures in an approach to understanding the Hispanic world, its customs, attitudes, and values as they relate to intercultural communication. Students will achieve familiarity with the major Hispanic figures in history, the arts, political events, and social and religious institutions.
Prerequisites: Any 2000-level SPAN course, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4373 Undergraduate Research
A course adapted to the directed study of topics in Spanish. Advanced students will develop a project in cooperation with an instructor. The project will be established by the student with the approval of the instructor prior to registration. The course may be repeated with a change in project, but total credit cannot exceed eight semester hours.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
SPAN 4390 Span for Professional Purposes
Conducted in Spanish. This course is designed to help students become more proficient in communicating in Spanish about different professions or fields of study. The course introduces specialized vocabulary and technical writing necessary to function in many areas of the professional world.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305, or consent of instructor.
SPAN 4397 International Service Learning
This course seeks to engage students in activities that combine both academic learning and community service in a foreign country. Students participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs. Students are required to reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility. Final service projects must be presented to a broad audience. May be combined with Study Abroad and may be conducted in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Faculty supervisor required.
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor.
SPAN 4398 Creative Writing
Conducted in Spanish. This course explores current theory and creative writing techniques through the study of required readings and the application of techniques in students' own work. Genres covered will regularly include poetry, fiction, and screenwriting, with drama, children's literature, non-fiction and other genres offered occasionally. This course may be repeated for credit but no more than twice in the same genre.
Prerequisites: Any 2000-level SPAN course, or SPAN 3305, or Spanish proficiency (with consent of instructor).
SPAN 4399 Senior Seminar
The senior seminar is a special topics capstone course required of all Spanish majors. Course readings, class discussions, and papers will focus on a highly defined issue in the study of literature or language. All senior seminars, however, will require that students develop and demonstrate command of the research process and superior writing skills. Attention will also be paid to professional post-collegiate issues of relevance to Spanish majors.
Prerequisites: SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310 and Senior Standing and at least 18 semester credit hours completed in SPAN courses.
SPAN 5302 Problems in Teaching Spanish
This course focuses on teaching methods, composition theory, and related topics and is directed primarily toward students interested in entering the teaching profession upon earning the M.A. in Language, Literature, and Translation.
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing
SPAN 5304 Studies in Spanish Language
A special topics seminar in some aspects of the study of the Spanish language. The course may focus on a special problem in linguistics, second language acquisition, language policy and implementation, literacy or the teaching of the language.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing
SPAN 5308 Seminar in Hispanic Amer. Lit
An in-depth study of a theme, an idea, a literary type, a period or school of literature, or a particular writer in Hispanic American Literature. May be repeated when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing
SPAN 5311 Seminar in Spanish Literature
An in-depth study of a theme, an idea, a literary type, a period or school of literature, or a particular writer of Spanish literature. May be repeated when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing
SPAN 5348 Seminar in Span Lit and Lang
An in-depth study of a special problem in Spanish language and/or literature.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing
SPAN 5349 Maj Writ in Span&Their Milieu
An in-depth study of one or more writers in Spanish in the historical and cultural contexts in which they write. May be repeated when the topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing