Public Health (PHLT)

PHLT 2320 Nutrition

This course covers the principles and application of evidence-based nutritional therapy throughout the life span for disease prevention and health promotion with integration of influencing variables of physiological, psychological, cultural, religious, and socioeconomic conditions. This course is 3 hours of theory per week.

Prerequisites: BIOL 2301/2101 or BIOL1306/1106 and CHEM 1311/1111 or CHEM 1307/1107 or instructor permission.

PHLT 3301 Introduction to Public Health

This a course that provides an overview and basic principles of public health; including the public health history, system, concepts and tools for measuring health in populations, the relationship between public health and the medical care system, and the role of law and government in public health; includes an introduction to the five core disciplines of public health (Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Environmental Health, Social and Behavioral Health, and Health Policy & Management).

Prerequisites: Junior Standing and admission into BSPH program.

PHLT 3302 Writing for Public Health Prof

The purpose of this course is to assist public health professionals develop the skills and techniques required to write reports, articles, and grant proposals. Included are methods to improve efficiency and effectiveness of writing and presenting data; including how to use of graphs and tables. Essentials of how to identify, research and prepare grant proposals will be explored.

Prerequisites: Junior Standing and admission into the BSPH program or permission of instructor.

PHLT 3304 Public Health Systems

This course provides an overview of the organization of health care within the context of the public health. There is an emphasis on the political, social, and cultural influences affecting the community. The structure, objectives, and trends of major health and health related programs and systems in the United States will be examined.

Prerequisites: Junior Standing and admission into the BSPH program.

PHLT 3306 Emergency Mgt in Publ Health

Provides an overview of disasters and emergencies through the lens of Public Health Professionals. It covers theory and practice of incident command system, role of local, state and federal agencies, surveillance and information systems, risk communications, training and evaluation.

Prerequisites: Junior Standing and admission into the BSPH program or permission of instructor.

PHLT 3308 Resrch Methds in Publ Health

Covers the basic concepts of public and community health research, including study designs, human subjects protection, quantitative and qualitative research techniques, and data collection. All concepts will be applied to public health settings and topics.

Prerequisites: MATH 1342 and admission into the BSPH program.

PHLT 3310 Environmental&Occupational Hlt

Introduction to the major areas of environmental health presented in the context of epidemiology, toxicology, and health effects. Subjects include water and air quality, solid and liquid waste, hazardous chemicals, radiation, infectious agents, food safety, and occupational health.

Prerequisites: Junior Standing and admission into the BSPH program or permission of instructor.

PHLT 3311 Cult Determ of Hlth Behave-WIN

This course explores relationships between cultural phenomena and health behavior. Cultural forces that enhance or reduce the capacity of patients throughout the life span to maintain health are analyzed. This course is interchangeable with NURS 3311.

Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 and admissions to BSPH program.

PHLT 3312 Global Health- WIN

The purpose of this course is to examine Global Health problems and challenges within the context of current realities. Looking at health and health care as a basic human right, students will explore health related concepts and trends within a global context. Geopolitical, immigration, socioeconomic conditions, and environmental factors will be analyzed in relation to health and health care delivery. Students will examine multinational corporate activities, the social and health consequences of armed conflict and rapid development, and the ways in which cultural and religious practices and beliefs may influence an individual's health or potential for recovery. This course is interchangeable with NURS 3312.

Prerequisites: ENGL 1302 and admissions to BSPH program

PHLT 3364 Biostats for Public Health

This course will cover application of statistical methodologies, probability, probability distributions, graphical analysis, table construction, and numerical data summary measures, study of rates, life tables, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression and regression analysis, to health data, clinical and biological.

Prerequisites: MATH 1342 and admission into the BSPH program.

PHLT 4213 Applied Research Project I

An independent senior applied research course with faculty advisor; subject matter will vary depending upon student’s topic. These takes two semesters to complete.

Prerequisites: Senior standing and faculty approval.

PHLT 4214 Applied Research Project II

An independent senior applied research course with faculty advisor; subject matter will vary depending upon student’s topic. These takes two semesters to complete.

Prerequisites: Senior standing and faculty approval

PHLT 4301 Intro to Health Disparities

This course is designed to examine and analyze the historical, ethical, economic, and cultural issues that contribute to health inequities affecting marginalized communities. Course will focus on social determinants of health such as race/ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation, religion, and others.

PHLT 4302 Sociocultural Infl on Ill Exp

This course is designed to examine and analyze the social antecedents, causes, correlates, and consequences of health, disease, illness, and medicine. It is focused on understanding the nexus between social dimensions and health, disease and illness; and on the application of sociological concepts and perspectives -- including research methodological techniques -- to issues and inquiries pertaining to disease, illness, health, and health care.

PHLT 4303 Epidemiology

Course that will introduce students to an overview of the science of epidemiology and the role of epidemiology in public health. Subjects include key terms and concepts, calculating rates, epidemiology investigations, methods, and data collection. It will also cover topics on the contribution of genetic risk factors to disease development across populations and social groups.

Prerequisites: MATH 1342, and PHLT 3308 or PHLT 3364

PHLT 4304 PH Practice and Demographics

This course is designed to explore the intersection of public health practice and demographic characteristics. It is focused on the importance of building a public health workforce to address the increase across populations and health disparities affecting those populations.

PHLT 4305 Fin & Cult Barriers to Qlt Car

This course is designed to examine both sociocultural factors, such as language discordance, and financial factors, such as lack of health insurance, influencing access to quality healthcare. It is focused on the importance of cultural competence when providing care to minority populations. It is as well provides students with an understanding of public health and state/federal legislative helping to increase access to health resources for all.

PHLT 4318 Public Health Policy&Advocacy

An introduction to health policy making and advocacy. The course will include the role of genetics and health policy decisions Students will explore factors that shape the United States health care system and policy, such as advocacy, values, models, and stakeholders, and compare them to other countries for international context. Techniques and skills needed for to effective advocacy related to public health policy will be provided.

Prerequisites: PHLT 3301 and PHLT 3304

PHLT 4322 Vulnerable Populations' Health

This course provides students with an overview of health care disparities affecting vulnerable populations from a public health perspective. Health promotion and disease prevention/management needs of select vulnerable populations (gender, sexual identification, race, ethnicity, and disability status) will be examined and evaluated. The interaction of societal expectations and the special health needs and its impact on health care policy decisions will be analyzed.

Prerequisites: Junior standing and admission into the BSPH program or permission of instructor

PHLT 4324 Health&Economics Disparities

Deals with key themes that recur across time and place, and explores global health and development discourse and focuses on using theory and practice in negotiating and interrogating the experience of volunteering as an instance of social change in under-resourced communities. The course is grounded in applied reflection and interdisciplinary social analysis of volunteer and community mobilization efforts in resolving global health and economic disparities. This course may be used for study abroad or away.

Prerequisites: Senior Standing, and faculty approval

PHLT 4329 Prncpls of Public Hlth Infomat

Provide students with a basic understanding of “informatics” and its application in the public health setting. The importance of public health informatics and its role in public health will be examined. Students will be introduced to basic technological tools needed to develop and manage public health data collection systems that meet the analytic needs of public health.

Prerequisites: PHLT 3303 and PHLT 3305 or faculty approval

PHLT 4337 Data Analysis & Management

Study of the skills required to design, organize and implement a data management system in public health applications. The course will provide students with the basic data management and analytical skills necessary for carrying out quantitative analysis and presenting the results to both lay and professional audiences in public health. The basic components of research design required for secondary data analysis will also be covered.

Prerequisites: Junior Standing and PHLT 3308 or PHLT 3364 or faculty approval

PHLT 4415 Community Immersion

A community Immersion course designed to provide students the opportunity to synthesize knowledge from other course work to address public/community health problem related to health promotion/disease prevention. Supervised/preceptor clinical in a private or public health-related agencies. This course is a two hour lecture and two hour practicum component (total of 56 hours of practicum).

Prerequisites: Senior standing, PHLT 3301, PHLT 3304, and PHLT 3310.

PHLT 4416 Prin of Public Hlth Edu&Promo

The purpose of this course is to help students understand and implement the responsibilities and competencies of an entry level community health educator. It provides an overview of the theory, organization, role, and structure of community health agencies with an emphasis on health education services. Students will examine concepts of health and wellness, the determinants of health behavior. This course is 4 hours of lecture.

Prerequisites: Senior standing and admissions into the BSPH program.

PHLT 4420 Public Health Internship

This internship provides an opportunity for students to work in a collaborative relationship with other members of the community/public health care team. This course is a one hour lecture and three hour practicum component (total of 84 hours of practicum).

Prerequisites: Senior standing, PHLT 4415, and faculty approval.