Health (HLTH)
HLTH 5334 Health Law
This course provides an introduction to the laws and legal issues affecting health care delivery, including patients' rights as well as liability and legal responsibilities of providers of health care.
HLTH 5350 Epidemiology
Epidemiology examines the distribution and determinants of health events in a human population. Topics include such matters as toxic substance exposure, food poisoning, indoor air pollution, health education programs, and vaccination, with further consideration given to health behavior changes, and disease prevention. The calculation and interpretation of measures of frequency, association, and public health impact are discussed.
HLTH 5353 Health Delivery Systems
This course centers on the complex interaction of multiple providers of health care (both public and private) in a community setting with emphasis on coordination and communication among those systems. The course will also cover types of managed care systems.
HLTH 5362 Health Care Ethics
An overview of the ethical issues in Health Care, including bioethics and confidentiality concerns with a concentration on procedural and distributive justice issues.
HLTH 5375 Survey of Public Health Adm
Principles and practices of management in public health bureaucracies are examined as they influence divisions of labor, organizational structure, personnel, and resources. Selected existing bureaucracies are utilized as case studies. (Cross-listed with PADM 5375)
HLTH 5380 Health Org Budget&Fin Mgt
An introduction to budgeting methods in health care organizations with an emphasis on financial management, including assessing and managing capital outlay and operational costs and collections. The course includes areas of interest such as third party payers and government regulations.
HLTH 5381 Health Insurance Adm
The study of the basic ideas, problems and principles found in all types of modern day insurance, including fundamentals of insurance contracts, the nature of the insurance institutions, and government regulations of insurance.
HLTH 5382 Health Economics&Policy Imp
An overview of the economics of health care as related to implementation of health delivery programs in a public health organization. Included in this course are the special issues affecting health care provisions in the federal system.
HLTH 5390 Selected Topics in Health Care
This is an interdisciplinary course that will focus on current issues affecting health care delivery in the public sector. Topics may include Medicaid and Medicare policies, geriatric medicine, community hygiene, epidemiology and other topics.
HLTH 5696 Internship in Health Adm
A six hour internship in a health care setting is required of all students. All required classes must be completed prior to the internship. Students with at least two years of experience in a health care organization may, with advisor's approval, be exempted from the internship requirement.