Special Education (EDSE)
EDSE 3210 Int Tching through Arts & PE
This course examines the theories and practices of arts integration, multicultural education, art and culture in community, and arts disciplines, including music, visual art, poetry, storytelling, drama, and physical movement. Candidates will learn effective teaching strategies to address the needs of all diverse learners through integrating arts and PE into the curriculum areas of mathematics, social studies, science and language arts and reading.
Prerequisites: Admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education or department approval.
EDSE 3305 Intro to Special Education
This course provides an introduction to the field of special education including current knowledge on individuals with all types of exceptionalities. Emphasis is placed on historical factors, legislation, litigation, advocacy, etiology, characteristics, needs, educational strategies, including existing and emerging technologies, assessment, and support services of/for individuals with disabilities. Course addresses the collaborative roles of parents and schools within a multidisciplinary approach to supporting individuals with disabilities in a diverse society.
EDSE 3310 High Incidence Disabilities
This course focuses on the characteristics and academic, social and behavioral needs of students with mild OR high incidence disabilities. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based methods for designing, adapting and delivering instruction to students with high incidence disabilities in a variety of settings.
EDSE 3315 Low Incidence Disabilities
This course focuses on the characteristics and academic, social and behavioral needs of students with low incidence disabilities. Emphasis is placed on evidence-based methods for designing, adapting and delivering instruction to students with low incidence disabilities in a variety of settings.
EDSE 3320 Measurement&Eval for Spe Ed
This course focuses on assessment principles and non-discriminatory evaluation procedures used in special education including, statistical concepts, formal and informal measures, and testing instruments used in assessing academics, behavior, intelligence and adaptive behavior. Includes the interpretation of assessment results for educational interventions.
Prerequisites: Admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education or department approval.
EDSE 3324 Inclusive Practices Young Chil
A survey of information regarding children with special needs including possible causes and characteristics of exceptionalities, inclusive practices, intervention strategies, available resources, and the advocacy role. Emphasis will be placed on working with families and specialists.
EDSE 4299 Issues in Special Education
This course examines current topics in the field of special education. May be repeated once when topic changes. To be taken as a capstone course by Special Education majors.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education.
EDSE 4330 Special Ed Law&Procedures
Examine the basic principles of IDEA and special education laws with emphasis on IEP requirements; legal and educational terminology and definitions for students with exceptionalities; cases and trends in special education law with case analyses; exploration of the historical, philosophical, and ethical perspectives of diversity and its impact on the educational services for students with special needs.
Prerequisites: Admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education or permission of instructor.
EDSE 4350 Inc Pract Ch&Yth W/Disablts
This course focuses on the characteristics of children and youth with disabilities. Emphasis is on federal and state legislation, case law, consultative teaching, inclusive practices, and assessment to determine effective interventions, and differentiation of instruction.
EDSE 4360 Tch Children w/Challenging Beh
This course focuses on the role of the teacher in meeting the special needs of children with challenging behaviors. Special attention will be given to behavioral management techniques and inclusionary practices.
Prerequisites: Admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education or department approval.
EDSE 5190 Special Issues in Special Ed
This course will examine timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding special education. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.
EDSE 5290 Special Issues in Special Ed
This course will examine timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding special education. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.
EDSE 5305 Teaching Special Populations
A survey of special education as seen from the perspective of normal psychomotor, cognitive, social, and behavioral norms with the focus on a basic overview of the federally determined categories of disabling conditions. Also includes an overview of the national legislation; litigation and advocacy trends; the Texas Rules and Regulations for Special Education; as well as research in the field.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education.
EDSE 5307 Evid-Based Prac for Stu w/Dis
This is an introductory level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes an overview of special education eligibility categories and evidence-based practices for students with disabilities. This content addresses the Texas Special Education Teaching Standards and the Council for Exceptional Children Common Core Standards. Course activities include lectures, case studies, and the evaluation of evidence-based practices.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDSE 5309 Special Ed Law & Ethical Resp
This is an intermediate level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes the history of special education law, provisions of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act, Every Student Succeeds Act, legal trends and issues in special education, and special education professional ethical principles and practice standards guided by the Council for Exceptional Children Common Core Standards. Course activities include lectures, case analysis, and special education legal case briefs.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDSE 5310 Survey of Mild Disabilities
Focus will be on legal issues relating to mild disabilities. Research topics in specified Supreme Court cases will be required. Important aspects of IDEA will be discussed. The educational focus will be on inclusion within the mainstream program, and cooperative service programs involving regular and special education teachers, consultative teaching, and content mastery programs.
EDSE 5311 Iss in Dis throughout Lifespan
This is an introductory level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes the unique culture of disability across the lifespan and the impact of disabilities on an individual across the lifespan. In addition, this course examines characteristics of children and youth with major biological risk conditions and disabilities with a focus on the impact of these conditions on development over time. Course activities include lectures, group discussions and assignments, demonstrating the complexity of development with a disability.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDSE 5315 Survey of Mod, Sev&Pro Dis
Focus will be on legal issues relating to moderate, severe and profound disabilities. Research topics in specified Supreme Court case will be required. Important aspects of IDEA will be discussed. The educational focus will be on resource room and self-contained programs as well as special schools, hospitals or other long-term program.
EDSE 5320 Measurement & Evaluation
This is an intermediate level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes descriptive statistics, psychometric properties of a test reliability and validity, interpretation of test scores, norms, scales, and grades, and some of the current controversies in testing. Additional topics such as data management, progress monitoring, test accommodations and modifications, and cultural and linguistic considerations are covered. Focus of attention is on the use of assessment information for making educational decisions. Course activities include lectures, interpretation of scores, and case analysis.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDSE 5325 Clsrm & Beh Mang Excptl Child
This is an intermediate level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. Course content includes the major concepts and techniques of effective classroom and Applied Behavior Analysis for children and youth with disabilities experiencing academic and/or behavioral difficulties. Course activities include lectures, group discussions and assignments concerning effective classroom management, as well as behavior plan development for students with disabilities.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDSE 5330 Acad Achievement Assessment
Each student will experience performance-based training in the administration, scoring and interpretation of the basic, individually administered academic achievement assessment procedures currently in use in the public schools, such as the Wide Range Achievement Test, Woodcock-Johnson Achievement Tests, Key Math, Peabody Individual Achievement Test, and other selected achievement tests when appropriate. May be taken concurrently with EDSE 5320. Candidates enrolled in this course will complete Youth Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Youth Suicide, and Dyslexia Trainings as required by 19 Texas Administrative Code Section 228.30(c)(2) and (3).
Prerequisites: EDSE 5305, EDSE 5320, and admission in the Educational Diagnostician Program.
EDSE 5340 Psychometrics
This course includes performance-based training in major individual intelligence or ability tests, that is the Stanford-Binet, Wechsler scales, and other selected individual intelligence scales. Each student will master the administrative techniques for each test, administer each test to a specific number of students, score, and interpret the results. Bilingual students will also master the Spanish versions when appropriate. May be taken concurrently with EDSE 5320. Candidates enrolled in this course will complete Youth Mental Health, Substance Abuse, Youth Suicide and Dyslexia Training as required by 19 Texas Administrative Code Section 228.30(c)(2) and (3).
Prerequisites: EDSE 5305, EDSE 5320, and admission in the Educational Diagnostician Program.
EDSE 5345 Pract Educational Diagnostics
This course requires the satisfactory completion of a 160 clock hour practicum experience under the direction of a practicing educational diagnostician and supervision by a University professor. Participants will work in the field of diagnostics with the administration, scoring and interpreting test instruments and procedures. The practicum student will also be expected to complete a site-based project designed in cooperation with the diagnostician mentor and university supervisor.
Prerequisites: Completion of at least 27 hours of the required coursework for the master's program.
EDSE 5350 Assessment for Diag&Inter
This course will provide the student with an overview of diagnostic assessment instruments to identify students with disabilities. The course will also address assessment instruments for designing individualized interventions as well as general trends and issues in the field. Candidates enrolled in this course will complete the Educational Diagnostician Texas Examination of Educator Standards.
EDSE 5360 Essential Behavior Principles
Introduces graduate students to the basic principles of behavior analysis. Everyday behavior is examined as a part of the natural world and behavior change is explained by principles derived from scientific research. Course content includes principles and procedures of reinforcement, extinction, differential reinforcement, punishment, discrimination and generalization training, shaping, fading, and programming. Classical conditioning, conditional reinforcement, schedules of reinforcement, behavioral definitions, reliability and validity, and direct observation are also addressed.
EDSE 5361 Analytic Tech App Beh Analysis
This is the second course of a graduate-level course sequence. These courses cover academic content required to take the Behavior Analysis Certification Board Examination. This course covers more advanced behavioral principal and provides an in-depth review of applied behavior analytic techniques. It covers BACB exam task areas including conducting behavioral assessments, designing effective behavior change programs, and applying behavioral procedures consonant with ethical standards. Students will learn to apply behavior analytic principles toward the improvement of socially significant behaviors in a wide range of settings as well as to evaluate the effects of behavioral procedures.
Prerequisites: EDSE 5235 and EDSE 5360.
EDSE 5362 Research&App Beh Analysis
This course is the third in a sequence for graduate students leading to a Certificate in Behavior Analysis. It features the use of the scientific method in evaluating assessment and intervention techniques in behavior analysis. Topics include critical analysis of research reports as consumers, measurement techniques, single-subject experimental design, selection of dependent and independent variables, graphical presentation and evaluation of results, and ethics pertaining to human subjects. Principles and procedures involved in the experimental analysis of reinforcement schedules, stimulus control, and stimulus equivalence are included. The sequence fulfills minimum academic requirements of the Behavior Analysis Certification Board.
EDSE 5363 Ethical, Legal&Prof Iss
This course is designed to be an introduction to the basic ethical and legal issues involved in the delivery of behavioral interventions with human populations. The course focuses on federal and state legislation, litigation, policies and guidelines of ethical practice of professionals. The format involves reading articles and chapters in a variety of topic areas including the BACB Guidelines for Responsible conduct and answering study questions specific to the content of the areas where the ethical situations are very, very clear.
Prerequisites: EDSE 5325, EDSE 5360, EDSE 5361 and EDSE 5362.
EDSE 5364 Coll & Cons in Edu Settings
This is an advanced level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. This course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills needed to effectively collaborate and consult with families, school personnel and community members in educational settings. Content includes collaborative school consultation theory and its application, problem-solving techniques, effective communication skills, and practices for leadership and mentorship. Course activities include lectures, group discussions and works, and developing a plan to build partnerships with families.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDSE 5370 Intro Evid Inter Autism
This course provides an introduction to the causes and diagnosis of autism, scientific validation, applied behavior analysis, and ethical treatment. Students also learn to write functional objectives, plan positive reinforcement, and design an applied measurement system in the context of developing individualized Family Service Plans and Individualized Education Plans. The issue of culturally appropriate interventions is addressed.
Prerequisites: EDSE 5325
EDSE 5371 Teach Positive Beh Sup Autism
The focus of this course is the design of educational environments that maximize learning. This course covers the application of specific behavioral teaching procedures, including prompting, reinforcement, shaping, chaining, error correction and generalization methods, and the development of instructional plans. Emphasis is placed on function-based interventions to teach communication, social, self-help and pre-academic skills. Application of such methods in inclusive classroom settings is also considered.
EDSE 5372 Intervention Prog Mod Autism
This course covers how educational environments can be designed to maximize learning. Different models of effective, evidence-based behavioral interventions and teaching are analyzed. The use of teaching activity schedules and staff training to build supportive educational settings is also covered.
EDSE 5373 Iss Ed Behav Treat Autism
This course provides advanced students with an overview of the legal, ethical and current issues in the education of students with Autism. Topics include fad cures, inclusion, preparing in-home trainers, litigation and the right to appropriate education. This course has been designed to provide advanced students and professionals with an overview of important current issues in the education and behavioral treatment of autism. A majority of the information presented and discussed falls under the umbrella of research based teaching intervention.
Prerequisites: EDSE 5325, EDSE 5370, EDSE 5371 and EDSE 5372.
EDSE 5374 Consult&Colla Autism Spec
This course is designed to develop the knowledge and skills needed to effectively work with faculty, administrators, students, para-educators, families and community members in a consultative and collaborative setting. The course focuses on the applications of collaboration related to consultation, team membership, co-teaching, partnership with families and developing interagency agreements to address the need of individual with autism. In addition, this course focuses on current practices in collaboration used in program planning, and implementation for students receiving special education services.
Prerequisites: EDSE 5325, EDSE 5370, EDSE 5371, EDSE 5372, and EDSE 5373.
EDSE 5390 Trends & Issues in Special Edu
This is an advanced level course for candidates seeking a MS in Special Education. This course examines the historical, relevant, and timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding special education. This content addresses the Texas Special Education Teaching Standards and the Council for Exceptional Children Common Core Standards. Course activities include lectures, debates, and the evaluation of issues and trends in the field of special education. This course may be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.