Reading (EDRD)
EDRD 3303 Teaching Reading&Lang Arts
This course provides a comprehensive survey of the elementary school reading and language arts instructional program, with an emphasis on the foundations of reading and the language arts as a developmental process. Appropriate methods and materials for the elementary school are examined. Students must have at least an overall grade point average of 2.7 in order to register for this course.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education.
EDRD 3309 Fdn. & Strat. Teach Lit EC-12
The course is designed to provide a history of reading instruction and foundational skills for literacy development. This course acquaints students with a variety of reading programs to foster emergent literacy, beginning reading, and content area reading development middle school through high school grades.
Prerequisites: Admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education or department approval.
EDRD 3320 Content Reading
This course for secondary majors focuses on content area reading instruction in grades 4-12. Emphasis on reading strategies and study skills for reading specialized texts. Instructional activities (lesson plans) include application of strategies that develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills to encourage learners to move beyond text complexities, develop deeper understandings of content areas, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways across content areas.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education.
EDRD 4311 Classrm Diag&Rem of Rdg Diff
This course addresses the characteristics and learning patterns of all children. The focus will be on developing a knowledge of formal and informal classroom reading diagnosis procedures and the design of appropriate research-based, best practice, elementary and middle school setting interventions to remediate reading difficulties.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of EDEL 3362 and EDRD 3303 or EDRD 3309 or EDRD 3320 or permission of instructor.
EDRD 5199 Special Issues in Reading
Course examines timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding reading. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.
EDRD 5299 Special Issues in Reading
Course examines timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding reading. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.
EDRD 5303 Theoretical Models & Proc Rdg
This introductory course focuses on the historical perspectives of literacy instruction and research on the interrelated components of reading across developmental stages for reading professionals. A variety of reading models are explored with an emphasis on language and cognition, literacy development, comprehension, motivation, current literacy trends, and digital literacies.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDRD 5305 Content Area Reading
This course is an intermediate course for ACP candidates and Post Baccalaureate students. Course content includes content area literacy, disciplinary literacy, discipline-appropriate thinking, and strategies for assisting diverse struggling readers with secondary texts. Course activities include an examination of content pedagogy standards for certification areas [19 TAC §228.30(a)]; English Language Proficiency Standards [19 TAC §228.30(d)(1)] and reading instruction, including instruction that improves students' content-area literacy [19 TAC §228.30(d)(2)].
Prerequisites: Graduate standing
EDRD 5309 Theory&Prac of Early Rdg Dev
The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an in-depth understanding of children's early development in reading and writing. The course will have a field-based component so that students can assess children and design and implement an instructional program integrating the processes of written language. Ongoing assessment will be a key factor of the children's program. Students pursuing the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) must be admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDRD 5313 Design, Imp&Eval of Rdg Prog
This introductory course focuses on methods, materials, and organization of reading programs, with emphasis on the scope and sequence of the total reading program from pre-K through 12th grade. Theories, principles, and strategies for designing and implementing developmentally appropriate reading programs will be reviewed and programs will be evaluated to prepare the reading professional to make appropriate instructional decisions. Attention will be given to professional development models and professional ethics.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDRD 5319 Adv Diag Reading Difficulties
This intermediate course focuses on theories and strategies to assist struggling readers. Reading professionals will apply formal and informal instruments to diagnose reading problems. A variety of case studies will be surveyed, and students will develop their own case study throughout the semester as they monitor and assess students with reading difficulties.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDRD 5321 Literacy Interv Across Pops
This advanced course focuses on literacy interventions (reading and writing) for learners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Course activities include the administration of diagnostic assessment instruments and procedures for implementation of individualized strategies and lessons. Reading professionals engage in critical reflection and response to intervention for diverse populations.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDRD 5324 Literacy Prof Prep Seminar
This advanced course provides a series of on-line scaffolded modules in preparation for transitioning into the roles and responsibilities of a Reading Coach, Literacy Interventionist, or Reading Professional in the field. An emphasis is placed on collaboration and communication with educational stakeholders. Course activities include engagement in leadership practice involving curriculum and assessment of literacy practices.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.