Diverse Populations (EDDP)
EDDP 4199 Issues in Ed of Diverse Pops
This course examines current topics in the education of diverse populations. May be repeated once when topic changes. The emphases of this course will be on the Texas Teacher Proficiencies and TExES competencies addressing diverse populations.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education.
EDDP 4299 Issues in Ed of Diverse Pops
This course examines current topics in the education of diverse populations. May be repeated once when topic changes. The emphases of this course will be on the Texas Teacher Proficiencies and TExES competencies addressing diverse populations.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education.
EDDP 4324 Teaching Across Student Pops
This course focuses on developing knowledge of how student diversity affects and influences instruction. Strategies for promoting equity and inclusion are emphasized. Preservice teachers will be engaged in field activities required of the Block II field experience. This course is designated as a Writing Intensive (WIN) course where writing will play a central role in the learning process and grades earned on written work will constitute a significant portion of the grade for the course. 60% or more of the course grade will be devoted to the evaluation of written work, including writing assignments, research projects, and exams. 7 grade point average in the area of specialization.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education, completion of Block I, 2.7 overall grade point average, and a 2.
EDDP 5190 Issues in Ed of Div Pops
Course examines timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding the education of diverse populations. The emphasis of the course will be on the Texas Teacher Proficiencies and TExES competencies addressing diverse populations. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.
EDDP 5290 Issues in Ed of Div Pops
Course examines timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding the education of diverse populations. The emphasis of the course will be on the Texas Teacher Proficiencies and TExES competencies addressing diverse populations. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.