Counseling Education (EDCU)
EDCU 5299 Special Issues in Counseling
Course examines timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding counseling decisions. May be repeated when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.
EDCU 5304 Professional Orientation
This course is an introductory course for school counselor candidates that will provide an overview of the counseling profession with an emphasis on the K-12 school environment which includes history and philosophy, professional roles and function, advocacy, and collaborative consultation. Students will master the basic skills of professional counseling in this course.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5305 Personality&Counseling Theor
This course is an introductory course for school counselor candidates that will provide an overview of the major counseling theories used within the profession. Primary emphasis will be placed on the practical application of each theoretical model with specific focus on the school setting. Case examples will be used to facilitate understanding.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5306 App Tech Child&Adoles Couns
This course is an intermediate course for school counselor candidates that will provide students an opportunity to study, administer, score, and interpret a variety of assessment instruments used in school and non-school settings. Students will be exposed to instruments measuring personality, intelligence, aptitude and achievement, career and interest, and environmental factors. Ethical issues in testing and the special education environment will also be addressed.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5307 School Counseling
This course is an intermediate course that will provide an orientation to best practices in school counseling. Emphasis will be placed on comprehensive developmental school counseling programming and effective collaboration and consultation with school administration. Additional emphasis will be placed on the integration of the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs. Course activities include conducting a school counselor interview and the construction of a Comprehensive School Counseling Program Framework.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5308 Career Dev&Life Planning
This course is an introductory course which focuses on the major theories of vocational choice and career development with demonstrations on how to translate these theories into meaningful practice in the counselor-client relationship. A guidance model for career education in the school setting will be developed as a part of the course.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5309 Counseling Across Cultures
This is an intermediate course which concentrates on the examination of a variety of racial, cultural, and ethnic groups in the United States. Students will also broaden their knowledge, awareness, and skill in applying culturally responsive counseling techniques in the school setting. The formulation of a multicultural treatment plan will be developed and the impact of diversity among group differences is also examined.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5310 Human Growth&Develop Lifespan
This is an introductory course that is designed as an explorative overview of a range of major theories of human development. The developmental processes and issues emphasized by different theories will be described and compared. This course will establish a foundation of learning theories and address applications within developmental, personality, and social theories. Intentional intervention with clarity of theoretical grounding, considering client circumstances and style, will be stressed. Special emphasis will be on childhood and adolescent development and their implications for assessment, diagnosis, and intervention planning in counseling and guidance.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5311 Prof Cnslng Ethics & Lgl Iss
This is an intermediate course which will provide an overview of professional issues in counseling with an emphasis on current ethical standards and practices. Ethical standards of the American Counseling Association and the American School Counseling Association and related entities will be reviewed. Application of these codes in professional settings will be discussed and ethical decision-making models will be explored.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5312 Abnormal Human Behavior
This course will introduce students to the principles of understanding dysfunction in human behavior or social disorganization. Emphasis is placed on understanding cultural, biological, social, and psychological factors necessary when developing a holistic and ethical model of assessment and treatment planning. In addition, this course will assist students to understand the nature, needs, and problems of individuals at all developmental levels over the lifespan; to understand the issues in mental health that may stem from gender, race, class, sexual orientation, and religious differences; and to understand the nature, needs, and problems of a multicultural and diverse society. Interchangeable with PSYC 5307.
EDCU 5314 Pre-Practicum Skills&Tech
This is an advanced course where students will practice basic helping skills common to the counseling profession using audio-video taping of mock counseling sessions. Additional skills will be developed in problem-solving, case conceptualization, goal setting, and selecting theoretically appropriate interventions.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5315 Group Counseling
This is an intermediate course which is designed to familiarize students with the theories, processes, and practices of group counseling and psychotherapy. Exploration of group membership and facilitation is examined. Students will participate in a small group experience and an audio-video taping simulation of a group counseling session.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5316 School Counseling Practicum I
This is an advanced, competency-skill based course that requires 80 clock hours demonstrating proficiency in school counseling standards and counseling experience in the school-community setting. The application of theory and skills to practice will be emphasized.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing
EDCU 5317 School Counseling Practicum II
This is an advanced, competency-skill based course that requires an additional 80 clock hours demonstrating proficiency in school counseling standards and counseling experience in the school-community setting. In this course, students are required to have three formal observations conducted by a field supervisor during their internship for a total of 135 minutes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and EDCU 5316.
EDCU 5318 Clinical Counseling Internship
Practical experience will be gained in a clinical setting under the supervision of a qualified on-site licensed counselor. A total of 300 hours will be required with an approximate balance between direct and indirect counseling experiences. A university lab experience with counselor education faculty is also required.
Prerequisites: EDCU 5317 or permission of instructor.
EDCU 5320 Crisis Inter in School Setting
This course is an intermediate course which reviews crisis intervention skills and their applicability to the school setting. Students will reflect on how people deal with crisis, exploring crisis experiences, and begin to develop skills in crisis intervention. Relevant research on crises, resolution, trauma informed counseling techniques, and resilience will also be examined. The major focus of the course will be learning the practical skills related to assisting children and adolescents with crisis in the school setting.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5321 Child&Adoles Couns Tech
This is an introductory course that focuses on counseling techniques appropriate for children and adolescents for fostering wellness and social-emotional learning competencies. The emotional and behavioral experiences of childhood and adolescence are discussed within the context of the school and family. Students will also develop skills related to problem conceptualization, goal setting, and selecting theoretically appropriate counseling interventions for children and adolescents.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5322 Fund of Addictions Counseling
This course is an intermediate course that will provide students with a thorough and in-depth exploration of the professional knowledge, skills, and practices related to addictions counseling, treatment, and prevention. Emphasis is placed on etiology of addictions and addictive behaviors including, but not limited to, gambling, sex, eating, alcohol, and drug addictions. In addition, this course will assist students in understanding strategies for the prevention, intervention, and treatment of addictions. Course activities include reflective discussions regarding treatment plan development for clients suffering from addiction.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5323 Clinical Counseling Practicum
This competency-based course will require 100 hours of actual counseling experience with a variety of clients and challenges in the community setting. Applying theory to practice will be stressed.
Prerequisites: EDCU 5305, EDCU 5314, EDCU 5315 and all remaining required coursework with the exception of EDCU 5318 and EDCU 5325, or consent of the instructor.
EDCU 5324 Adv Counseling Theor&Technique
This course has an academic and clinical training-based structure. Counseling interventions useful in facilitating client and growth from a theoretical perspective will be introduced. Clinical skills and concepts beyond level of beginning counseling techniques will be taught along with case conceptualization. An overview of treatment planning will be offered to assist students in identifying appropriate interventions and goals. Strategies for cognitive, affective, and behavioral charge will be practiced in individual lab sessions. EDCU 5314, and EDCU 5305
EDCU 5325 Clinical Counseling Intern II
This is the second part of Clinical Internship. Practical experience will be gained in a clinical setting under the supervision of a qualified on-site licensed counselor. A total of 300 hours will be required with an approximate balance between direct and indirect counseling experiences. A university lab experience with a counselor education faculty is also required.
EDCU 5326 Res & Prog Eval in Schl Couns
This advanced course is intended to equip students with knowledge and skills for conducting qualitative, survey research, and program evaluation methodology, within the field of school counseling. Emphasis will be on practical application of basic components of research and program evaluation in producing and consuming social research as it pertains to School Counseling, Social Emotional Learning Programs, Trauma Informed Education, the Texas Model for Comprehensive School Counseling Programs, and the American School Counselor Association Model. The course will offer an intensive focus on data-driven decision research and the school counselors craft of examining and evaluating a school counseling program in preparation for the school counseling certification exam. Students will apply knowledge and skills using the research and/or program evaluation process to develop a research project in School Counseling.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDCU 5397 Professional Paper
This course will provide students with opportunities and support for the satisfactory completion of a field of action research and resultant professional paper. Grades awarded will be P for pass and IP for in progress. If a grade of IP is received, students must enroll continuously until successful completion and defense. Failure to do so will result in a grade change from IP to F after one semester.
EDCU 5399 Special Issues in Counseling
Course examines timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding counseling decisions. May be repeated when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.