Bilingual Education/ESL (EDBE)
EDBE 3310 Foundations of Bilingual Edu
This course is designed to prepare all students seeking certification in bilingual education by focusing on the state standards of knowledge and skills for the beginning bilingual teacher. Bilingual education: legal aspects, historical perspectives, program models, including dual language models are introduced, discussed and evaluated.
Prerequisites: Admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education and successful completion of SPAN 3305 and SPAN 3310.
EDBE 3325 Theories of 2nd Lang Learning
This course focuses on the behavioristic and cognitive theories of second language learning and acquisition. Characteristics of adult and child language learning as well as English as a Second Language (ESL) strategies are evaluated. Candidates will engage in a field experience.
Prerequisites: Admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education.
EDBE 3335 Lang Arts Prin in Bil Settings
This course, taught in Spanish, focuses on relevant theories, models, and types of bilingual education as related to the development of bilingual, bicultural, and biliterate individuals. Candidates exhibit effective evidenced-based practices, methods, techniques, and assessment practices/strategies used with language arts instruction across the content areas for native speakers and second language learners in bilingual settings which facilitate successful transition to English literacy.
Prerequisites: Admitted to and in good standing in the College of Education and successful completion of EDBE 3310 and EDBE 3325.
EDBE 4199 Issues in Bilingual Education
This course examines current topics in bilingual education. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education.
EDBE 4299 Issues in Bilingual Education
This course examines current topics in bilingual education. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education.
EDBE 4334 Teach Cont Areas Dual Lang Env
This course, taught in Spanish, focuses on developing the knowledge and skills required of bilingual elementary teachers in dual language settings. Candidates demonstrate their ability to prepare lessons in Spanish by integrating academic content, content-related vocabulary, and critical thinking skills using evidenced-based practices and assessment strategies for second language learners in order to meet the affective, cognitive, and linguistic needs of children.
Prerequisites: Admission to the College of Education and successful completion of EDBE 3310 and EDBE 3325.
EDBE 5110 Hist&Phil of Bil Education
This course focuses on school practices in light of the basic assumptions of philosophy, designed and conducted to stimulate critical thinking and promote equity and excellence for all students within the instructional environment of a bilingual classroom.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDBE 5190 Special Issues in Bil Ed
This course examines timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding bilingual education. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.
EDBE 5210 Hist&Phil of Bil Education
This course focuses on school practices in light of the basic assumptions of philosophy, designed and conducted to stimulate critical thinking and promote equity and excellence for all students within the instructional environment of a bilingual classroom.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDBE 5290 Special Issues in Bil Ed
This course examines timely topics of concern to educators involved in making decisions regarding bilingual education. May be repeated once when topic changes.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing and permission of instructor.
EDBE 5310 Hist&Phil of Bil Education
This course is an advanced course for practicing teachers. Course content includes the history of bilingual education in the U.S. along with the philosophical and legal rationales for bilingual and dual language programs in Texas or your state of residence. Course activities in extensive reading, writing, and presentations using video recordings in both Spanish and English. A requisite for completion of the course is an inquiry study of two bilingual programs in your school district.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDBE 5322 Bil Oral Lang Dev & Assessment
This course is an advanced course for practicing teachers. Course content includes the development of dynamic, spoken bilingualism from an integrated language perspective, critiques of monolingual bilingual development, translanguaging pedagogy, and ways to assess bilingual language use in content area classes. Course activities include the development of units of study for bilingual students using Spanish and English translanguaging pedagogy. A requisite for completing the course is a video presentation of a bilingual unit plan that includes pedagogical and assessment of content and language objectives.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDBE 5324 Bil/Multicult Teach Strategies
This course is an advanced course for practicing bilingual education/ESL teachers focuses on the philosophy of multicultural education, and phenomena that have occurred across the United States. This course also focuses on particular attention on the dimensions of multicultural education, and the four knowledge categories that support effective multicultural teaching. Teaching styles are identified and implemented in the context of various curricular formats. Course activities include extensive reading and writing, using videos in English to create PowerPoint presentations and WIKI lessons in geography using TABA Model to analyze the lessons. All assignments are done in English.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDBE 5325 Teaching Engl as a Second Lang
This course is an advanced course for practicing bilingual education/ESL teachers focuses on English as a Second Language strategies for the 21st century English language learner in grades K – 12. This text pays special attention to the impact culture has on learning, ESL programs, and policy affecting ESL. Highlights of this course also include first and second language acquisition theories, ESL models, integration of digital technologies, literacy development in writing, reading, content reading along with structured and unstructured strategies, and assessment strategies. Course activities include extensive reading and writing, discussions, checklists, and technology projects.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDBE 5326 Teach Read&Lang Arts Bil Set
This advanced level course is designed for students to analyze current research in teaching reading and language arts in bilingual settings to promote strong biliteracy. Course content includes examining bilingualism and biliteracy as individual and societal phenomena, literacy programs in dual language bilingual education, and biliteracy pedagogies and assessments. Course activities include the development of lesson plans for reading and language arts, based on reviews of literature on biliteracy. A requisite for completing the course is a final paper on biliteracy practices and approaches and how these could be implemented in bilingual programs.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
EDBE 5390 Special Issues in Bilingual Ed
This advanced level course is designed to encourage practicing to become more critical readers of educational research in bilingual and dual language education. This course introduces concepts, principles, methods, and policies recognized as fundamental to the issues and controversies surrounding the teaching of language minority students in the United States. The course readings reflect recent shifts in policies, programs, and practices due to globalization and the changing economy, demographics trends, and new research on emergent bilingual and biliteracy pedagogy. A requisite for completion of the course is a research plan/project on bilingual biliterate education to present at a Bilingual Education Conference.
Prerequisites: Graduate standing.